Dessert, Cake, Pie & Co recipe To highlight

Gluten Free Lemon and Mascapone Cake

30 May 2016


Gluten Free lemon and mascarpone cake

It has been a long of time since the last post on this blog, too long. Let’s sweeten our life with this Gluten Free Lemon Mascarpone Cake  because  so many things have happened that I’m not sure where to start. For example, I changed the view from my kitchen.

We went from this:
Buenos Aires

to this:

We went from Buenos Aires to Milan, ending a long period of seven years in the Southern Hemisphere. With all that goes with it, emotionally, organisationally and now we are asking what the future have for us, in this old continent. For now we have a beautiful view to the Duomo, we have no kitchen at the moment and we are becoming “milanese” again.

Not content with these changes, the blog has been attacked by a virus that had to be as big as a rat, because we could not flush him out and then I took the opportunity to redo the look of  the blog, I hope you enjoy it.

To start again I could not choose that one of my beloved simple, tasty cakes that everybody likes.

This cake had been prepared for the magazine Free that asked us to make some “grandmother cakes” recipes . A nice definition for spongy, fluffy , irresistible cakes, easy to do, so I though to a gluten free lemon and mascarpone cake.

I could not leave my beloved lemon, which combined with the sumptuousness of mascarpone realizes the perfect cake.

Torta limone e mascarpone 4

Gluten Free Lemon and Mascarpone cake
An easy, delicious cake, that even beginers cooks can make
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: International
Serves: 8/10
  • 250 g gluten free flour for cakes + right amount flour the mold
  • 12 g of beking powder (*)
  • The grated peel of 2 lemons
  • 120 ml of lemon juice
  • 180 g of butter at room temperature + r.a.for buttering the mold
  • 280 g of sugar
  • 3 eggs at room temperature
  • 125 g of mascarpone at room temperature
  • For the icing:
  • 350 g of icing sugar (*)
  • 40 ml of lemon juice
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Grease and flour well a bundt mold,
  3. Mix in a bowl the gluten free flour and baking powder and sift the mix once.
  4. In another bowl, with electric whips cream the butter and sugar until creamy smooth and frothy, add the grated lemon peel and mix well.
  5. Add the eggs, once at a time stirring and integrating perfectly with the butter cream.
  6. Pour gradually the dry ingredients (the mix of flour and baking powder), alternating the flour with lemon juice and mascarpone.
  7. Mix with a spatula just to combine the ingredients, not overmix the batter.
  8. Bake in hot oven at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
Ingredients for 26 cm bundt cake
* Ingredients with gluten or that could have gluten free contamination

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