Dessert, Cake, Pie & Co recipe To highlight

Gluten free yogurt cake

24 February 2015

Torta di yogurt senza glutine

I love the simple cakes, this blog is full of this kind of cake, and this yogurt cake is always a hit.

I made it in a hurry for a dinner, and,  as always, I was busy with three things at a time.

It should be the twin of the lemon yogurt cake, but I had no lemons in the house so I flavored it with orange and l have served it with a blueberry sauce.

It has a little less flour and sugar than the first version and it’s incredible to see that a simple change could modify the texture of the cake which remains much softer.

I do not know wich one choose, maybe you try to di both and after tell me the one you prefer, for sure they are both easy to do, fast and thet go away in a flash …


Gluten free yogurt cake

(For the version with gluten replace the gluten free flour with flour 000)

Preparation time: 10 min

Rest time: 0 minutes

Cooking time: 30-35 min

Difficulty: Very Easy


180 grams of natural greek type yogur
160 g gluten free flour (I used the following mix: 80 g of fine rice flour and 80 g of mandioca (yucca) starch )
140 g of sugar
120 ml of oil (I used a mix of vegetable oil and olive oil)
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder * (about 12 grams)
1 tablespoon grated orange peel
3/4 teaspoon salt

For the blueberry sauce:

  • 150 grams of blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 50 grams of sugar

You need:

  • Two big bowls
  • Electric whisk or a stand mixer
  • A spatula
  • One cake mold 22 cm or round 20 cm


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Grease with a little oil and the mold, dust with gluten free flour, tap out the excess.
  3. In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients: gluten free flour, the baking powder and salt.
  4. In another bowl, combine yogurt, two eggs and oil and stir. Pour the sugar and the grated rind of orange.
  5. Combine the dry ingredients gradually and integrate them with a spatula without overmixing them.
  6. When the mixture is homogeneous, pour into the mold and bake for 30 minutes. Do not overcook the cake, do the toothpick test, if sticking it in the center of the cake comes out clean and dry the cake is ready.

For those who have the Thermomix:

  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  • Grease with a little oil and the mold, dust with gluten free flour, tap out the excess.
  • In a bowl mix all dry ingredients: flour gluten, the baking powder and salt.
  • Pour into the thermomix bowl: yogur, the eggs and the oil: 30 “4 vel.
  • Combine sugar and the orange zest: 30 “4 vel.
  • Add the dry ingredients a little at a time from the hole of the lid: 40 vel 3
  • Pour the compound into the pan and bake in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.
  • Baked the cake, let cool 10 minutes and then remove from the mold.




Torta di yogurt senza glutine



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1 Comment

  • Reply James 25 August 2015 at 15:43

    just found out i have this , my mother got colon caecnr because of untreated celiacs disease , it is no joke , but i am glad i know i have it , i was depressed and did not have a normal bowel movement for a year , then i started to feel like i would vomit after each time i ate , in two days of not eating gulten i was almost back to normal , thank god i found out , hope this helps

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